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5 Reasons to Take a Private Helicopter Tour of Ireland


The west of Ireland is known for being one of the most naturally beautiful places in the world. Many tourists flock to the area every year, enjoying the sites and unique culture. If you plan on traveling to Ireland in the near future, here are a few reasons to book a private helicopter tour.

  1. Scenery is Extraordinary

There is nothing that can quite compare to an aerial view of the West Coast of Ireland. Rolling hills, gorgeous coastlines, royal blue waters, and craggy mountains dot the landscape. Depending on the season, you may see blooming wildflowers or stunning snow-covered mountains and fields. Watching the sun set or rise and soaring through a clear blue sky add breathtaking wonder to the experience.

  1. You Don’t Have to Share

When you book a private tour, you don’t have to share the helicopter with tourists that you don’t know. This may give you extra space in the craft so that you have plenty of leg room, depending on the size of your party. Booking your own private charter also ensures that you will have a front row seat – you reduce your risk of being shoved in the middle and missing the best parts of the tour.

  1. The Experience is Relaxing

Many people chose to fly their own aircraft over western Ireland, but this takes away from the overall experience. Flying on your own prevents you from truly taking in the sites and relaxing into the experience. There is also no opportunity to take pictures or interact with your friends and family while flying. Chartering a private tour of the area may be preferable to flying your own craft, even if that is what you use to get to Ireland.

  1. Excursion is Affordable

Chartering a private tour of Ireland’s west coast is much more affordable than going through the trouble of purchasing your own aircraft and aircraft insurance, but can still ensure that you will see the best of Ireland on your own terms. You can book a tour for less than €2,000, depending on the length of the tour and your pick-up point. This allows you to have a one-of-a-kind experience while still saving money for the rest of the trip.

  1. You Will Get a Bird’s Eye View of the Area

If you embark upon a helicopter tour at the beginning of your stay in Ireland, it can help you to orient yourself with the area. You will know what the landscape looks like from above, which may help to prevent you from getting lost. You may also spy some interesting sites and scenery in the area that you can check out in further detail when on the ground, helping to enrich your visit.

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